While there is not a one size fits all secret to wellness, we've rounded up our top tips for achieving your optimal well-being.

While there is not a one size fits all secret to wellness, we've rounded up our top tips for achieving your optimal well-being.

  1. Break a sweat. Exercise prevents illness and disease. It reduces stress and builds resilience. It improves your mood, energy levels, and even your sex life. Enough said!

  2. Meditate. Consider this exercise for the brain and "me" time. A double win! Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness. Meditation results can reduce stress, improve mental and physical health.

  3. Eat mindfully. What’s that saying… “we are what we eat”? Of course, who wouldn’t love to be a pizza! We would encourage you to be mindful of your consumption. Eating well is not necessarily all about restrictions and “taking away”, but making sure you’re aware and adding a balance of nutrients and vitamins.

  4. Hydrate. Water is essential for our organs and joints, regulates blood pressure, and contributes to our skin health. Most healthy people require at least 4-6 cups of water per day, but this can vary per person based on external (i.e. did you work out today) and environmental (i.e. is getting hot in here) factors.

  5. Quality “we” time. Dedicate time to surround yourself with others who love and support you. Social interaction and connection boost mental, emotional, and physical health.

  6. Go to sleep. They do not call it “beauty sleep” for no reason. Sleep is important because it allows your body and mind to repair, be fit, and get ready for another day. Sleep can also help to reduce stress, improve mood, and cognitive function. A quality night’s sleep may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and illness.

Last but not least, consider joining East End Wellness! We’d love to support you on your journey toward your personal state of wellness. 






Ready set go! Let’s get to know Ashley, founder of East End Wellness.